
一般网站在提供RSS/Atom订阅的同时,也提供邮件订阅。受此启发,可以采用邮件的形式来订阅RSS,Google一下,还真有很多”RSS to Email”的文章, 稍微准备以下即可,具体可以参考Turning Gmail into Google Reader


一般公司邮箱分内网、外网,所有人都有内网邮箱,大部分人拥有公司域名的外网邮箱,但有些限制,如仅开放25/110端口,导致无法直接接收Gmail的邮件。 好在Gmail可以设置Forwarding规则,将Gmail收到的邮件以副本形式转发到个人的公司外网邮箱,这样就可以查收Gmail邮件。

只是最近https被限制,但Google Account登录时必须使用https协议,继而导致使用Google Account授权访问的RSS Reader无法登录。 无奈之下,只好另辟蹊径,于是找到了上文提到的”Turning Gmail into Google Reader”方法,将RSS以邮件形式发送到Gmail账户,方便存档。只是这样的话,邮件量会 持续增长,眼下迫在眉睫的是如何高效处理邮件


  • 拥有Gmail账号;
  • 拥有联网主机/个人电脑,这里可以使用Amazon Web Services提供的Free Tier,如EC2,SES,不过有默认的容量限制;
  • 运行环境:Python

EC2 Account Notification

Dear EC2 Customer,
You recently reached a limit on the volume of email you were able to send out of SMTP port 25 on your instance:

Instance ID: i-qwertbnm
* IP Address: www.xxx.yyy.zz
* Start date: 2013-10-07 05:37 +0000

In order to maintain the quality of EC2 addresses for sending email, we enforce default limits on the amount of email that can be sent from EC2 accounts. If you wish to send larger amounts of email from EC2, you can apply to have these limits removed from your account by filling out our online request form.

If you are unaware of your instance having sent emails, we advise checking your instance application(s) to confirm that this activity was intended. It is your responsibility to ensure that your instances and all applications are secured against unauthorized use. For suggestions on securing your instances, visit aws.amazon.com/security.

Your Amazon Web Services EC2 team


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07 October 2013


